I applied for this grant back in October! Amazingly, my wife & I had already planned to go down to Ecuador and hadn't bought tickets yet. I am amazed and grateful.
Serial Obsessive,
have been selected to be one of Earthwatch’s
2013 fellows! The fellowship program supports students and teachers
from across the US who are passionate about learning, collaboration,
and seek active participation in our shared environment!
this program you will gain a higher understanding of the world and
become ambassadors for change in your community. We look forward to
working with you!
you will find a copy of your official Award Letter. This document
acknowledges you as the recipient of the Fellowship and requires a
signature. Your award letter mentions two important documents. One is
the expedition briefing which is a documents that details every
aspect of the expedition. The briefing is still being edited by the
lead scientist and will be ready approximately 90 days before the
start of the expedition. As soon as it is ready you will be emailed a
link so you can book travel. A hard copy will also be mailed to your
home. The second document listed is the Fellowship Guidelines and a
link is provided in the letter. This document contains information
about how to prepare for your Fellowship and contains helpful details
about your Fellow report (due after the expedition).
accept this fellowship you must sign and return the Award Agreement
section of the Award Letter. If
we do not hear from you by the deadline April
1, 2013 we
reserve the right to offer your place to another applicant.